Pool Maintenance Services Available With Malibu Pool Service and RepairSwimming pool maintenance is an extremely important factor in providing a safe and functional swimming pool environment. One of the key parts in swimming pool maintenance is keeping the chemicals properly balanced for healthy, clean water that is safe to swim in. Without the correct use of chemicals, your pool can essentially become a breeding ground for all kinds of algae, bacteria and other pollutants that can cause illnesses.

Improperly balanced pH can cause the corrosion of your pool lining, pipes, and mechanical parts. We provide chemical testing and can teach you to do the same for your chlorine or non-chlorine based swimming pool. Prevention is the key to deterring any pool crisis!

While a swimming pool can provide a relaxing retreat to unwind, or hours of fun for the entire family, there is also some maintenance required to keep your pool sparkling clean and inviting. Every day the chemicals should be checked and balanced and the filter must be run.

Pool maintenance includes:

  • Brushing the pool walls, floor, and steps
  • Vacuuming the pool’s floor
  • Skimming debris off water’s surface
  • Emptying the skimmer baskets
  • Ensuring that all equipment is in working order

If your swimming pool has lost some of its former beauty, our experienced staff can repair torn liners or cracked tiles or concrete.

We also offer acid washing that works by removing a fine layer of pool plaster along with the minerals that are buildup on your pool lining making it appear old and dingy. Acid washing uncovers a cleaner, brighter layer of plaster.

Often when a pool has not been properly maintained in the past, debris and algae that were allowed to remain in the pool leave behind discolorations and stains. In that case we offer chlorine rinsing to remove any stains that remain on the floor or walls of your swimming pool.

Equipment Maintenance and Repair

At Malibu Pool Service we offer everything you need to maintain your swimming pool including parts and repair. We carry parts from most major pool, pump, motor, and filter manufacturers. Our qualified technicians bring over 10 years of experience to the job and we are fully licensed and insured. We can fix whatever your pool problem is, including plumbing, drains, and pipes.

We are also experienced at cleaning and servicing your salt systems-cell and DE filters and grids.

In addition, you can also purchase all of the supplies needed to maintain your pool at Malibu Pool Supplies in Queen Creek Arizona, where our pool specialists will gladly respond to any and all of your questions.

Malibu Pool Service is locally owned by U.S. Army veteran Kevin Swafford. We are proud to extend discounts to military members and their families, along with firefighters and police officers.

At Malibu Pool Service our goal is to make you a satisfied customer. We will provide customer references upon request. Our services are focused on helping you get the maximum enjoyment out of your swimming pool.

  • 602-748-0544 Veteran Owned And Operated


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