Pros and Cons of Automatic Pool Cleaners

Possibly you are a perfectionist who likes to scrub every nook and cranny of the pool yourself to be sure not an inch is missed. Most people would prefer to avoid this time consuming chore and spend that time enjoying the pool. If that sounds more like you, then you may want to invest in an automatic pool cleaner. There are several models on the market, and your needs may be better met by one type or another.

Maintaining Your Pool With Automatic Pool Cleaning Devices

Suction Pool Cleaners


One type of automatic pool cleaner is a suction pool cleaner. As the name implies; this type of cleaner uses suction to move around and vacuum debris off of the swimming pool floor. Some models are even effective at scrubbing the pool walls, so you won’t have to. Other advantages of the suction cleaner are; that it is quite scrupulous at cleaning up the fine, particulate debris that cause cloudy water, so it leaves your water sparkling clear, and it is less costly than other types of automatic pool cleaner.


The main disadvantages of the suction pool cleaner are that it does not do well in pools with a great deal of large, floating debris, and that since it sends debris into your pool’s filter and basket, you will need to spend more time cleaning and maintaining your pump and filter.

Pressure Pool Cleaners


Another type of automatic pool cleaner is a pressure pool cleaner; it uses water pressure from a pump in order to clean your pool. Some pressure cleaners can be connected to your pool’s main circulation pump, while others may use a booster pump specifically designed for this purpose. Water pressure is used to move the pressure cleaner around the swimming pool, while it scoops up debris into an attached bag. This type of cleaner is great if you have a problem with large debris such as grass, leaves, or bugs. Some other advantages of the pressure cleaner are that it won’t move large debris into your pump basket or filter, it does a superior job of picking up large floating debris, and it is low maintenance and durable.


The disadvantages of a pressure pool cleaner are that it is not as effective at removing fine particles, such as sand, from the pool water and that it doesn’t scrub your swimming pool walls.

Automatic Pool Cleaners


Finally, let’s discuss the robotic pool cleaner. This type of automatic pool cleaner makes use of an electric motor that must be powered by a low voltage transformer. A robotic cleaner contains its own pump and filters. Many models contain a computer chip that helps them clean more proficiently and some even come with a remote control. The advantages of a robotic pool cleaner include that it can scrub the pool walls; it helps water circulate around the pool, and best of all that it is proficient at cleaning both large debris and fine particulate from your swimming pool.


Some disadvantages of the robotic cleaner are; the built in pump and filters will need to be cleaned frequently, its movement is limited by an electrical cord, and the price is generally higher than the other types.

Automatic pool cleaners come in many models, shapes, and sizes. Each is designed for a specific type of pool. Your Gilbert pool cleaning specialist can help you make the correct choice for your pool.

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Malibu Pool Service and Repair
2338 W. Lindner Avenue, #28
Mesa, Arizona 85202
Office: (602) 748-0544
Email: [email protected]

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